Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Berry Merry Christmas

 couldn't hide my giddiness when I opened the door and got
a medium size box from the postman.
It's finally here, my first PS1 bag!
truly a berry merry Christmas, thanks LUV!

Photo: Des

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


another Chopard musical dinner show that I was involved in was all about the million dollar jewelry
we showcased for the uber rich Chinese in all 8 cities including Hongkong.
photos were from the last leg of the tour and we were all exhausted from the traveling but very thankful. Last pic of us production staff goofing around Uggs and all.
finally! vacation!
Photos: Des

Thursday, December 1, 2011


the touring show that I was involve in had me toting my winter
wardrobe from south to north cities of China. Beijing was one
massive city where we stayed for a day at Raffles Hotel where Meryl Streep
was a guest and partied the night at Club Xiu with Gwyneth Paltrow.
Here are my random photos of the Forbidden.
